5 Habits You Must Strive For

We all know how important technical knowledge and intelligence are, but we always overlook the importance of our habits or character. If you have traveled in the East, you will find that most countries in that region value personality and character of a person more than intelligence. They appreciate kids respecting their parents, elders and strangers. They like raising their children with values instilled in them. They like to teach their children what they were taught by their parents, and they want their children to do the same. However, they also value the importance of technical knowledge gained from schools or universities, but they put more emphasis on social skills.    

"85% of your financial success is due to your personality and ability to communicate, negotiate, and lead. Shockingly, only 15% is due to technical knowledge." -- Carnegie Institute of Technology. 

Following are the habits you must strive for:

1. Respect
It is very common especially in my country, Bhutan, where younger people respect their parents, elders, teachers and strangers. From very young age kids are taught at home by their parents and family to respect everyone, and in schools teachers strictly teach students the importance of 'Respecting Others'. Value education has become an important part of school curriculum. We call it Driglam Namzha. It is essential to learn all these because one must use Driglam Namzha very often in Dzongs, Offices, Schools, Home - basically everywhere and every day.  

2. Hard Work
So many articles and books are written on this topic, so I'm probably going to restate those lines here. If you look at all the billionaires, great scientists, leaders, artists and writers, you will find that most of them have achieved their current status because of sheer hard work. They have put many hours focusing and trying repeatedly to achieve their goals. They faced many challenges in their lives but it didn't stop them. And it shouldn't stop you either. If they can do it we can too. Right? 

3. Time Management
Time management is one of the most important skills one must have or strive for. It is one commodity you cannot buy - even if you decide to pay millions of dollars. Once you waste your time it cannot be earned back. So it is crucial that you manage your time well. You only get 24 hours in a day and it all depends on how you use that. Manage your time well!  

4. Listen Carefully
I have seen so many speakers who have misheard the questions raised by the audience and the speaker simply assumes their perspective and answers his/her opinion. What they don't realize is that communication is a two way process. Listening is as much important as answering the questions. Listening carefully can lead someone to right direction by answering the question correctly. Always listen carefully and never pretend what you have heard is the exact same. And don't be afraid to ask again.  

5. Honesty
In a room full of students a teacher asked: "How many of you like liars?" None raised hands. Every single one of the students expressed their dislike for liars. Well, just like this story, I believe, everybody hate liars. They blame their wrongdoings to others. They cheat their friends. They cause misunderstandings. And they simply cannot stand honesty. If you are one of those who lie constantly to others, then it is high time you change that. If you have friends who lies to you very often, then you must get rid of them - just like you get rid of cancer cells. What happens when you don't get rid of cancer cells? It multiplies. And then it kills the host eventually. 

I hope you practice all these habits every day, and observe the changes it brings to you and the people around you.

Good Luck and practice hard!  


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